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That Limbo Time Between Christmas and New Year.


Updated: Jan 1

I always find this time of year a little unsettling, remembering what has gone and wondering what is to come. I spent yesterday trying to get my photographs into some sort of order and did not get very far. Are you an editor or a hoarder? I try to be organised and put the best in albums and delete the rest. I have a geriatric Imac where I upload my art pics but even that has got out of control; do I keep all my "work in progress" pics, my inspiration images, old work that has sold? Back in the day before digital photography I took a lot of photographs (my husband worked in a photography lab). It was exciting to get the prints back after several days wait only to discover that out of 36 there were maybe a dozen good ones. I always made albums (the bookmaker in me) and threw the rest in the bin. I have made a few digital photo books but it is not the same as physically sticking a print into an album using those little corner mounts and hand writing the details underneath. Vintage and antique albums are now treasured possessions, where we can look back on our ancestors and imagine times gone by. Will that be lost to future generations?

Talking of books I have been making a lot lately in preparation for some workshops. A good follow on from the "Eco Printing Workshop" is "How to Make an Explosion Book". Both are two hours long for up to 3 people at a time, at a cost of £35 per person. If you do both you can bring your eco prints to cover your book and fill the inside with your creations. I am in the process of developing a third workshop called "Sketchbooks from Old Artwork with No Measuring". This is a great way to recycle your old drawings on A4, A3, A2 and/or A1 paper. The idea is to bring a selection of sizes to create 4 robust sketchbooks from one drawing each and then make covers with your scrap paintings, collage, gelli prints or wrapping papers. If you are interested in any of these message me and I will send you more details.

Reflecting on the past year (with the help of my instagram posts) I was surprised at how much I had forgotten. This time last year I was only just ready for my website to go live having struggled on my own with it for 3 months. One of my paintings was accepted for an open exhibition at a local gallery. I opened my studio for Art in June for the whole month including my garden and a little gallery in the house. Over 200 visitors passed through the doors, it was exhausting but heart warming to receive so much support and the cakes

(made by my good friend Jill) raised nearly £300 for Hospice in the Weald.

Detail of a fused glass bowl by Mary McCarten.

I shall be opening again this year and am delighted to announce that Mary McCarten, a fused glass artist will be joining me and exhibiting her beautiful glass sculptures in the garden and gallery at Longmeadow Studio. Dates and details to follow. Mary asked me to join EVA a friendly group of artists who are based in the Edenbridge area of Kent.  I exhibited with them in September in the beautiful setting of the Himalayan Gardens at Riverhill in Sevenoaks where artists (including me) held free workshops and demonstrations. It proved very popular particularly with the younger visitors.

What has happened to the painting? I have been working steadily in sketchbooks and on paper, trying out different approaches with mixed media and practising soft pastel but not much has evolved yet apart from some 4ft rust prints (detail see left) inspired by Faye Bridgwater's November Squares challenge. In December 2024 I developed lumbago after sitting too long in one position on an intricate drawing! It became progressively worse and in October I couldn't sit down for 2 weeks, as a result my painting has been sidelined for a while. I am delighted to say that after seeing a cranial ostiopath for just 3 sessions I am now totally pain free and keen to get back in the studio, when it warms up a bit. I have worked down there for a couple of hours fairly regularly but struggle to lose myself in the process when it is so cold. Even the dog starts shivering.

I also completed Creative Shift 2024 with Sally-Anne Ashley and have joined her new online membership group "THE ARTHOUSE" on Mighty Networks. I am an Arthouse Guide within the group along with a few other Creative Shift Alumni and it is proving to be a delightful space where fellow artists can chat, show their work and develop their art practise in a friendly supportive environment with gentle guidance from Sally-Anne. If you are interested, membership for the coming year closes in a few days on 5th January. You can become a founding member for just £15 per month/ £150 per year (2 months free) for life. For more details go to I am keen to get started on the 6th January with our first live session "Planning Your Practise", guided by Sally-Anne to; get intentional, get clear and get going!

That is all for 2024. Thank you for supporting me over the last year. Wishing you a joyful, healthy and creative 2025 and I look forward to chatting again in March when spring will be well on it's way.

Best wishes JaneS.

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